We use a unique parametric processes allowing designers to alter their design with multiple iterations to test for daylight associated with each iteration.Pattern r+d uses a rapid feedback methodology to give designers feedback regarding energy, daylight, glare, comfort and more when it would make the most difference.
Typical Services
Parametric Energy, Solar, Daylight and Comfort Modeling \ Design Phase – Pre design, Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation
The workflow showcased here is parametric having 3 different interfaces.The Rhinoceros and Grasshopper interfaced is focused towards the design teams. Within grasshopper, our design options and alternatives can also be optimized to attain the optimal orientation, height, glazing percentage, shading depth and more.
This study took 25 hours to complete

These are only a few Typical services, but we understand that different projects need different analysis for decision making. Contact us to discuss your specific project, so we can generate the most cost effective analysis for you.